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Actions for Hope and Change

The fact that there is no legal or administrative framework for refugees in the country means they have no legal status and no rights to education or employment.


This severely limts options, and planning for a future becomes difficult. There is so much uncertainty in the present and absolutely no guarantees over what is to happen in the future.


The avenues for self-improvement or professional development are few. The struggle is to find employment which allows survival on a day-by-day basis. But with no right to work, any such employment is outside the law and makes the refugee vulnerable to exploitation and abuse.


Any hope for a positive and fulfilling future is limited.


ASPIRE Penang aims to change all that, through the determination, efforts and collaboration of women, men, teenagers and children in the refugee communities. Where appropriate, these are supported by partnerships with other organisations and institutions. 


The following pages cover some of the initiatives on-going with the communities. They not only provide hope that the future may be better than today, but also create community and social cohesiveness amongst people whose lives have been torn apart by circumstances beyond their control.


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